Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Removing the AVG MSOffice plugin

To disable office open file scanning, run the following command at the Start -> Run Command:
regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\avg\AVG8\avgoff2k.dll (make sure this is your avg directory)

After successfully unregistering the DLL you will see:

DLLUnregisterServer in C:\Program Files\
avg\AVG8\avgoff2k.dll succeeded.

then you could turn it back on someday
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG7\avgoff2k.dll

Pdf version of this solution: AVG-Removing_or_Disabling_the_AVG_MSOffice_plugin.pdf


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Free Online Screen Recorder

ScreenToaster is a free web-based screen recorder designed to capture screen activity in real-time to rapidly create and share tutorials, demos, training, lectures and more.

To watch videos : Just click on a video to launch the player.

To record videos : Click on "Start recording" or "Record", start recording using the shortcuts or via the recorder.

You can add audio and an embed webcam while you are recording.

When finished, add subtitles, choose your thumbnail, describe and tag your video so other users can easily find your screencasts.

Click Here for Demo: http://www.screentoaster.com/watch/demo

Url http://www.screentoaster.com/


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Global Broadband Speed Test (Online)

Speedtest.net is a broadband connection analysis tool with a huge selection of geographically dispersed testing servers. Ookla provides this service free to hundreds of thousands of people every day. If you are experiencing slowness with your Internet connection or are simply interested in testing your speed, Speedtest.net is for you. If you have a web site, please feel free to link to Speedtest.net.

Speedtest.net measures the performance of your broadband connection. At the end of each test, you are presented with the download (the speed of data from the server to your computer) and upload (the speed of sending data from your computer to the server) bandwidth speeds. The tests are performed completely within your web browser over HTTP (just like normal web browsing). If you experience any problems using Speedtest.net, please visit our Questions & Answers section for help.

The technology behind Speedtest.net is identical to that of the Ookla Speed Test which is provided to a wide variety of companies and organizations on a licensed basis. Collectively, the application is used over eight million times each month by millions of individuals worldwide. If you would like to have a Speed Test to install and run on your server, please visit our licensing site. We have a variety of options from basic to highly customized.

At Ookla we are focused on building and operating cross-platform web applications that are reliable, accurate, scalable and matched with an attractive and useful user-interface. We are currently working on additional connection diagnostic tools for specialized applications such as VoIP and future network environments where the individual may have multiple wired and wireless connections to a variety of devices. Learn more here.

Results Includes:

* Download & upload kb/s

* ISP name

* Server name

* Ping

* Distance

* Latency

URL: http://www.speedtest.net


Credit: http://www.speedtest.net/about.php

Sunday, February 8, 2009

SUMo - Software Update Monitor (freeware)


SUMo, which stands for Software Update Monitor. Thanks to SUMo you'll be able to keep your PC up-to-date by using the most recent version of your favorite software ! Unlike build-in auto update features, SUMo tells you if updates are available before you need to use your software.


  • Automatic detection of installed software
  • Detects required updates / patchs for your software
  • Filter / authorize Beta versions (user setting)
  • Ignore list : only tracks software YOU want to track
  • More compatibility and less false positive than others Update Monitors (according to users feedback ;-)
  • Internationalization support.


Gizmo's Top Pick

Translations (included in installation package)
(if you want to become a translator for this software : click here)


click to enlarge

[ Download ]


Credit: http://www.kcsoftwares.com/index.php?sumo

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yawffer - Freeze process - freeware

Yawffer is a tool that helps you to keep an eye on computer load. It can show you:

  • current time
  • current CPU usage
  • amount of data currently transferring in the system
  • available memory
Data is displayed as strings of text above all windows, takes very small amount of screen space and can be located in any place on the screen. For each showing you can define font and color.

Additional features

Yawffer can help you if you need to suspend a process. Left-click on Yawffer icon in the system tray and select "Freeze a process". Locate the process in appeared window and click "Freeze it!" button. If you have enough rights execution of the process will be stopped, but the process still alive. To resume it just open this window again, select this process and click "Unfreeze" button.

Yawffer can tell about current network connections. To view connections select "Network connections" in Yawffer tray icon context menu. Appeared window will show you all current connections. If you want to view readable computer names instead of IP addresses click "Resolve" button.

Main window screenshots

Download: http://bantamtools.com/Yawffer%20setup.exe

Credit: Yawffer ver. 1.0
